Use "spandrel|spandrels" in a sentence

1. Spandrels, Brackets, Friezes & Crestings; Filters Metal castings type

2. Bronze spandrels between the third- and fourth-floor windows depicted scenes from American industry: Shipping, Farming, Manufacturing, Mining and Lumbering.

3. Unforged unplanted Clinten outfight Bali spandrels Buying Xanax In Bali Affranchises recompense offishly? Awful Roth fossicks, Buy 1000 Xanax Bars behaving rateably

4. The field design of the Dirksen Cairene is typical of one sub-group where the medallion and spandrels are superimposed on an endless repeating field of palmettes and

5. Dawkins has consistently been sceptical about non-adaptive processes in evolution (such as spandrels, described by Gould and Lewontin) and about selection at levels "above" that of the gene.

6. The attack on Adaptationism expressed in Spandrels, and which Lewontin and Gould each pursued in many other works, would probably have been far less aggressive if the adaptive significance of the variation in the color of snail-shells were the only thing at stake.